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How Vivi's came to be...

Sewing, crocheting, home improvement? Who would have thought...I learned to do it all after having my kids. You guys, I taught myself all of these things by following tutorials and watching videos once I had my first kid. I like to say my kids were the beginning of the version of me that I've enjoyed the most. Before kids? I never even thought I wanted to be a mom to be honest. Growing up, I never played mom, or wife or anything like that. I just wanted to have a great career and travel. That's, right! I wanted to stay kidless and just dedicate myself to enjoy the things I liked. Then I met my husband...This wonderful man I fell head over heels for and wanted to marry him so badly for the first 3 years of our relationship. I not only love him but I also adored his family. But it wasn't all perfect because I couldn't stop thinking about marriage. Why wouldn't he marry me? Then I had the extra noise in my life from people telling me I needed to move on and that ...

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