How Vivi's came to be...

Sewing, crocheting, home improvement? Who would have thought...I learned to do it all after having my kids. You guys, I taught myself all of these things by following tutorials and watching videos once I had my first kid.

I like to say my kids were the beginning of the version of me that I've enjoyed the most. Before kids? I never even thought I wanted to be a mom to be honest. Growing up, I never played mom, or wife or anything like that. I just wanted to have a great career and travel. That's, right! I wanted to stay kidless and just dedicate myself to enjoy the things I liked. Then I met my husband...This wonderful man I fell head over heels for and wanted to marry him so badly for the first 3 years of our relationship. I not only love him but I also adored his family. But it wasn't all perfect because I couldn't stop thinking about marriage. Why wouldn't he marry me? Then I had the extra noise in my life from people telling me I needed to move on and that maybe he wasn't worth my time. Maybe he didn't love me enough. Maybe he was using me, etc. You all know those type of people. The ones that get on others peoples business without been asked ha!

But then one day I thought? Why do I want to get married? I am SO happy where I am. I don't need a ring or a wedding. I love him and I am happy! So what if I just enjoy this moment, enjoy him and our life together as is? And that's exactly what I did and 3 more years passed and our relationship grew even stronger. Then one day, over 6 years dating, we wanted to buy our first house together. I remember we would drive around in the neighborhood we wanted to live hoping to find "the" house. And one random night after dinner, I climbed in his car barefoot for one more drive and there it was!!! Our dream house in the perfect location and yes, we bought it!

The proposal...
Before closing on our dream home, my then boyfriend, planned a trip to San Francisco as a last hooray before investing all our money in a house and renovations. This trip was the weekend before closing on our very first home together and while there, he proposed! I was so in shock not understanding what was happening because it was the last thing I expected but at the same time, I was incredibly happy and couldn't wait to marry him. I was also wondering how in the world was he able to travel with a diamond ring in his pocket and I didn't even notice...

The kids...
Fast forward to 2009, we were already married and something happened. I distinctly remember that day in the Summer when I felt an unbelievable desire to be a mom. Guys, for many many many years I had been saying I didn't want kids. It wasn't in me. But that day felt as if someone flippled a switch inside of me and I told my husband. I told him that I was ready and to let me know if or when he was ready too. And in September of 2010 we had our first kid, our second was born in 2012 and our third in 2014. Best moments of my life without a doubt. The moment I told myself I would be everything I could be for this kids but also for my husband and more importantly for myself.

And that's how I became a party organizer, seamtress, short order cook, and crocheter. I keep growing and I want to share it all with you.

Much love,


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